Setting expectations for your team

Setting expectations for your team.

Does your team know what you want from them? You’d be surprised at the number of team members that say they don’t.

So, let’s think about why setting expectations is important – the obvious is how will people know what you want if you don’t tell them?  There are three things to think about when it comes to your team’s expectations

3 Key Points

1. Communicate clearly and confirm understanding

2. Frequent review and status updates

3. Holding people accountable.

Clear Communication

Clearly setting expectations and communicating them will position you and your team for success.  The better job you do at not only setting expectations, clearly communicating and holding people accountable the more effective your team will be. If everyone is on the same page, knows their role and can expect that everyone must hold up their responsibilities, the better the chances that the team will deliver the expected results. 


As leaders, first and foremost, we need to be very clear on what our expectations are and make sure your team understands their deliverables.  We must be consistent in how we communicate expectations, clarify deliverables and reinforce timelines and make sure you review them on a regular basis.  During your 1 on 1’s asking the team if they know what the deliverables, timelines and what resources are needed and available. What challenges do they face, concerns about resources and any successes to celebrate?  


Holding people accountable is often the most difficult for new leaders, it is also what will determine your success as a leader.  Not holding individuals accountable or being inconsistent in holding them accountable will kill team morale.  It’s up to you as the leader to make certain you first hold yourself accountable then make sure everyone on the team knows that they will individually be held accountable.  This in my opinion is a non-negotiable – no matter how hard you find it, you must do it as it really establishes your leadership.  Remember your team looks to you for leadership and direction.  Being inconsistent or lenient undermines your authority, you are not helping your team if you don’t.


When it comes to setting expectations, make sure you are clear with your boss on their expectations for you – it then flows to your team.  Linking your deliverables with your team and you should expect to be held accountable.   As leaders we need to keep the organization informed of your team’s progress and where we stand on results.  In communicating across the organization, we all have reports to review, but what you need to supply is the why behind the results.  Your frequent review with your team will give you the background you need to explain the data.

As new leaders – setting expectations is critical and remember, communicate clearly and make sure they understand, review frequently and get updates and most importantly hold your people accountable.  Being successful as a new leader is tough and many people fail.   These three simple tips can help you overcome one part of your new responsibilities.

Thank you

Welcome to the Revenue Alchemist Blog, I’m Dan Romani, the founder of Dan Romani Business Coaching, where we work with new leaders to help them succeed and deliver results faster. If you’re ready to learn how to excel at the difficult challenge of being a new leader, then stay tuned. We’ll talk about it and share ideas as well as tips for becoming the leader you want to be.